Indonesia is the world’s largest producer of the gel-containing seaweeds known as hydrocolloid seaweeds.
PAIR in the media
Please note: In the Media is a mixture of both English and Bahasa Indonesia articles.
Pemerintah membutuhkan hasil penelitian cepat dalam menemukan solusi paling efektif untuk mengatasi pandemi Covid-19.
Hasnawati Saleh, research coordinator for the Partnership for Australia–Indonesia Research, Australia–Indonesia Centre, Makassar, Indonesia: I coordinate a consortium of 51 researchers at Read more
“Tembok kaca” adalah hambatan yang dihadapi perempuan dalam bidang mereka, termasuk struktural, sosial, budaya, dan pendanaan – yang mencegah perempuan untuk terlibat Read more
Thirty-five women scientists from leading research institutions across Europe and North America banded together recently to co-author a Times Higher Education article, Read more
“Program ini sekarang fokus pada satu provinsi. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar penelitian yang dilakukan lebih terarah guna pengembangan kebijakan tepat sasaran,” jelas Read more
Through his research publications, the Head of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Technology Management Department, Prof Nyoman Pujawan, has achieved the highest Read more
This program is designed to be a forum for collaboration between Indonesian and Australian researchers in dealing various development issues.