Who will lead the PAIR research team?
Introducing the Senior Fellows of the Australia-Indonesia Centre, who will form the backbone of the PAIR research team. Each represents one of our 11 partner universities.
Dr Christrijogo Sumartono
Universitas Airlangga
Dr Christrijogo Sumartono is a lecturer and anaesthetist at Universitas Airlangga, within the Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation. He holds a Masters in anesthesiology and a PhD from Universitas Airlangga.
He is also the head of Ksatria Medika Airlangga Foundation which carries out humanitarian work in natural disasters, such as during the earthquake in Palu, Sulawesi in 2018. His areas of expertise include regional anesthesia, disaster management, traumatology, orthopedic surgery and neurosurgery.
Professor Siti Malkhamah
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Professor Siti Malkhamah is Professor in Civil Engineering at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). She is also currently the Dean of the Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada. She holds a Masters and a PhD in Transport Planning and Engineering from Leeds University.
Previously, she was the Vice Director of Post Graduate Programmes in the Faculty of Engineering at UGM, where she coordinated all Masters and PhD programmes. She also assists the Ministry of Transport to develop human resources within the ministry, including cooperation with international institutions. Her research interests include transportation engineering, safety, railroads, transportation systems and transport planning and management.
Dr Sudirman Nasir
Universitas Hasanuddin
Dr Nasir is senior lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Hasanuddin in Makassar. He has a Bachelor of Medical Sciences from Universitas Hasanuddin, and a master’s degree and PhD from The University of Melbourne.
He has conducted research on various issues related to drug use and HIV-AIDS in Indonesia. He has been involved in drug use and HIV prevention programs in Indonesia since the mid-1990s. He also serves as a vice president of the Indonesian Young Academy of Sciences (ALMI), and is a 2019 Eisenhower Global Fellow. On top of this, Dr Nasir was involved in the REACHOUT Consortium research on community health workers. He also led AIC-funded project examining the sustainability and profitability of cocoa-based farming in Sulawesi.
Dr Reni Suwarso
Universitas Indonesia
Reni Suwarso has been a faculty member at the Department of Political Science, University of Indonesia (UI) in Jakarta since 1992. She is now head of Democracy and Citizenship Research Cluster UI (2019-2020) and head of Urban Water Research Cluster UI, responsible of Water Governance (2017-2020). She did her masters at the University of Sydney where she published ‘Indonesia under the Wahid Government: Consultative Democracy?’ and also her bachelor at UI.
Besides this, she is also director of the Institute for Democracy, Defence and Strategic Issues. Previously, she was Director of Centre for Elections and Political Party UI (2014-2018). For her doctoral thesis at Victoria University in Melbourne, she worked on a project called ‘Indonesian Democracy: The Impact of Electoral Systems on Political Parties, 1955-2009’.
A/Professor Wolfram Dressler
The University of Melbourne
A/Professor Wolfram Dressler is a lecturer in the Faculty of Geography at the University of Melbourne. His research is ethnographic in nature, examining how regional political economic processes shape resource access and use, exchange relations and environmental change at different societal scales in Southeast Asia.
Since 1999, he has examined the historical origins and contemporary consequences of changing conservation practices on the livelihoods and landscapes of rural, resource-reliant peoples in insular Southeast Asia, particularly the Philippines. Through this frame he critically examines the spread, impact and outcomes of neoliberalism on conservation, livelihoods, and landscapes.
Professor Andreas Ernst
Monash University
Prof Andreas Ernst has over 20 years experience in the development of optimisation and simulation models to assist businesses with strategic and operational decision making.
He is the deputy director of MAXIMA, the Monash Academy for Cross and Interdisciplinary Mathematical Applications. His research interests focus on scheduling and optimisation for large scale industrial applications, including high performance combinatorial optimisation algorithms, parallel matheuristics and network optimisation. Past projects have included optimisation of coal supply chains, scheduling of recreational vehicles (motorhomes), rostering and research into hub location algorithms.
Professor Nunung Nuryartono
Institut Pertanian Bogor
Dr Nunung Nuryartono is the Dean of Faculty of Economics and Management at Institut Pertanian Bogor and Secretary to the Chair of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres), Professor Sri Adiningsih. He holds a Master of Science from Bogor Agricultural Institute and a PhD from the University of Goettingen in Germany.
He has also been appointed to the National Research Council between 2019-2022. Previously, he served as the Director of the International Center for Applied Finance and Economics at Institut Pertanian Bogor and head of Economics postgraduate program. His areas of expertise include development economics, microfinance, and public policy.
Dr Scott Waldron
The University of Queensland
Scott has degrees in international business and Asian studies and a PhD in agricultural economics. At UQ he has conducted 25 agricultural development projects in China, Southeast Asia and the Pacific.
He has worked in a wide range of agricultural systems and mostly on ruminant livestock. His role in the projects is to improve farm incomes, value chain functioning, policy settings and rural development outcomes. Scott’s areas of interest include agricultural research methodologies – farm management, value chain analysis, policy analysis, participatory and action research – and international agricultural development – macro developments in demographics, food supply and human development; micro developments in farm intensification, commercialisation and technological change.
Dr Wilmar Salim
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Dr Wilmar Salim is the head of the Research Center for Infrastructure and Regional Development and Senior Lecturer at the Department of Regional and City Planning at Institut Teknologi Bandung. He holds a Masters in Regional Development from The University of Queensland, and a PhD in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Hawaii.
His areas of expertise include sustainable development, local governance, urban and regional planning, poverty analysis and capacity building.
Professor Nyoman Pujawan
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Professor Nyoman Pujawan is a Professor of Supply Chain Engineering at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, and also the president of the International Supply Chain Education Alliance (ISCEA) and the Indonesian Supply Chain and Logistics Institute (ISLI). He holds a Master of Industrial Engineering from the Asian Institute of Technology, and a PhD in Management Science from Lancaster University.
His areas of expertise include: supply chain management, manufacturing, logistics, inventory management and purchasing management.
Professor Anu Rammohan
The University of Western Australia
Professor Anu Rammohan is Professor of Economics and the Associate Dean International for the Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Education at the University of Western Australia.
Her research focus is on understanding household-level socio-economic factors that can influence maternal and child health outcomes, gender and food security issues in South and South East Asia, particularly in India, Indonesia and more recently in Myanmar. Her areas of expertise include development economics, maternal and child health, food security, migration, and gender.