PAIR Summit 2021 to focus on COVID-19 research

The Australia-Indonesia Centre (AIC) is proud to announce its second annual Partnership for Australia-Indonesia Research (PAIR) Summit. The public event, held virtually due to COVID-19, will take place on Tuesday 30 November, Thursday 2 December and Tuesday 7 December 2021.
Registrations are now open and a full schedule can be found here.
PAIR is a development initiative funded by the Australian government and supported by the Indonesian government.
Its objective is to contribute to sustainable development priorities through evidence-based decision making.
The PAIR Summit 2021 will examine the impact of COVID-19 in Indonesia, drawing on the findings from a series of COVID-19 research reports produced under PAIR.
It will focus on three themes: improving healthcare, protecting society (including women, people with disability and vulnerable groups), and economic recovery.
Each day of the summit will feature panel discussions with PAIR researchers, whose findings have provided timely analysis on COVID-19 as the pandemic has disrupted health, society and the economy.
They will be joined by leaders from academia, policy, business and community organisations.
Register for the event and access a full schedule here
The discussions will address the pressing challenges caused by the pandemic and identify opportunities for closer cooperation between Australia and Indonesia.
Interpretation available for English and Indonesian and Indonesian Sign Language (Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia).
Representatives from the Indonesian government and the Australian government will open and close each day, including the Indonesian Minister of Health and the Australian Ambassador to Indonesia.
Panellists and discussants include leaders from the policy, development, business and non-government sectors.
“The pandemic is pummelling health, society and economy in different ways. What seems clear is that evidence-based research matters, especially when handling a crisis. And it matters more in guiding the way we respond and recover,” said AIC Executive Director Dr Eugene Sebastian.
“This year’s Summit explores COVID’s impact on lives, livelihoods and economic recovery. We hope that our evidence contributes to the pandemic response and how we prepare for future crises.”
Australian media enquiries
Marlene Millott
PAIR Program Officer
Indonesian media enquiries
Fadhilah Trya Wulandari
PAIR Program Officer