The PAIR trailer video

Red and yellow train on railway line

PAIR brings together universities, policymakers and communities to find solutions to connectivity challenges.


This is an effort to evaluate how infrastructure development will affect communities, people. Economic effects, impact on people’s mobility, of course their patterns of interaction, and the overall effect on regional development in South Sulawesi and the development of Indonesia.

I think that PAIR research program can [also] be a way of enriching teaching, of modelling new teaching methods. Aside from that, it will also be a way of uncovering new perspectives which can finally be published internationally … it will have many benefits.

Prof Dr Dwia Aries Tina Pulubuhu, Rektor, Universitas Hasanuddin


Our researchers come from different backgrounds. They come from different fields, they come from different cultures, but they come together to find solutions to shared problems.

We have been working on tackling issues like the health problems of cocoa farmers, understanding diabetes and mental health challenges of local communities and working on affordable energy solutions for towns and villages. So we are here to continue our research work for the next four years… Our new research program is about improving the lives of communities.

Dr Eugene Sebastian, Director, The Australia-Indonesia Centre



I believe that universities will be the lab for government, and also for business. We are hoping for that, it’s never too late to start, we will try to start, including I think we can’t live only by relying on our own skills, we have to collaborate with other stakeholders, other regions, other provinces, even other countries.

Prof Dr Nurdin Abdullah, Governor, South Sulawesi


This PAIR could help stimulate the growth of good researchers and good analysts in places like Makassar to contribute towards the development of eastern Indonesia.

Policy making doesn’t just happen in Jakarta. There’s a lot of important policies being developed at the regional level out in places like South Sulawesi, which are important for Indonesia’s national development and important for Australia’s future economic relationship with Indonesia too.

Richard Mathews, Australian Consul-General, Makassar