30 November: Improving healthcare


Session 1: Improving health data connectivity and integration

Data duplication, inconsistency and information gaps – the pandemic showed just how important timely, accurate and complete data is to policy response and managing community wellbeing. The session explores the challenges of health data connectivity and integration in Indonesia. There are opportunities for Australia and Indonesia to collaborate in strengthening digital health.

Session 2: Protecting healthcare workers and changing public attitudes during a crisis

Changing health system practices and effective adoption of health and safety measures are some ways to curb the spread of COVID. But what does it take to decrease infection rates among frontline health workers and increase public compliance through public health education campaigns? This session discusses critical areas that need attention to better protect healthcare workers and explores public attitudes towards social distancing and vaccine uptake.

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Opening remarks

Dr Eugene Sebastian

Executive Director
The Australia-Indonesia Centre

HE Budi Gunadi Sadikin

Minister of Health
Republic of Indonesia

Session 1: Improving health data connectivity and integration

Moderator: Helen Brown

Head, Comms & Outreach
The Australia-Indonesia Centre

A/Prof Sherah Kurnia

COVID-19 Research Co-lead
University of Melbourne

Dr Safirotu Khoir

COVID-19 Research Co-lead
Universitas Gadjah Mada

Anis Fuad

COVID-19 Researcher
Universitas Gadjah Mada

Petrarca Karetji

Pulse Lab Jakarta

Jeff Parker

AIBC Health Group

Session 2: Protecting healthcare workers and changing public attitudes during a crisis

Moderator: Helen Brown

Head, Comms & Outreach
The Australia-Indonesia Centre

Daniel Prajogo

COVID-19 Research Co-lead
Monash University

Dr Ratna Sari Dewi

COVID-19 Research Co-lead

A/Prof Ansariadi Ancha

COVID-19 Research Co-lead
Universitas Hasanuddin

A/Prof Simon Reid

COVID-19 Research Co-lead
The University of Queensland


John Leigh

Team Leader
Health Security Partnership

Closing remarks

Kirsten Bishop

Minister Counsellor-Governance
& Human Development
AUS Embassy Jakarta