Researchers Working Towards Social Inclusion

An important aspect of successful research is the effective incorporation of gender equality, disability, and social inclusion (GEDSI) considerations.
We know that research is richer and more meaningful when a range of different people are included as sources of knowledge, and those people feel safe and supported to provide relevant and useful information. Including the voices of women and people with disabilities supports better planning and policy making. Similarly, including diverse voices and perspectives in research teams can strengthen the capability of the group.
The purpose of this unit is to guide all participants through the process of effectively incorporating GEDSI considerations into research projects.
This unit comprises three stages: an introduction to inclusive practice in research, learning from experts in GEDSI research, and setting sensitive monitoring targets and indicators.
By participating in this unit, the participants will learn to mainstream GEDSI into their research projects and teams.
Keen to join?
Spaces are limited for these units. To register your interest please complete the form below.
We will be in touch closer to the start date of each unit to let you know if you have been accepted. The Talent Accelerator Program is free to those who have been accepted.