Implementation within selected industries of Indonesia’s COVID-19 prevention and control guidelines for workplaces

The Indonesian government in 2020 established the COVID-19 taskforce as a response to the global pandemic.


The taskforce, in turn, helped set up Indonesia’s New Normal health protocols, measures aimed at controlling a deadly virus while also allowing the economy to function. The COVID-19 protocols in the workplace remain in place, albeit with adjustments.

Like many nations, Indonesia faced the predicament of needing to reopen its economy to boost growth and overcome problems of unemployment and poverty while also mitigating the risk of dangerous outbreaks of the coronavirus. This project evaluates the implementation of Indonesia’s New Normal health protocols, focusing on four key industries that the Indonesian COVID-19 taskforce assessed as having a significant economic impact: agriculture and animal husbandry, logistics and goods transportation, construction and manufacturing.

Read the full “Implementation within selected industries of Indonesia’s COVID-19 prevention and control guidelines for workplaces” report here

Agriculture represents almost 14 percent of Indonesia’s gross domestic product (Statista, 2020) and is a significant employer (World Bank, 2020), while almost a quarter of the nation’s GDP is spent on logistics and road transport. Construction and manufacturing represent 11 and 20  percent of Indonesian GDP, respectively. Interviewees in this project include representatives from a variety of companies in these sectors, as well as relevant policymakers and stakeholders.

Image at top: Shayan Ghiaswan, Mufid Majnun, Refhad, Rendy Novantino