Maximising the effectiveness of the South Sulawesi rail line
The Makassar-Parepare Railway Project is a new transportation network under construction in the province of South Sulawesi in Indonesia. The railway line will connect the capital city of Makassar along 142 kilometres of rail track to Parepare and in the process also connect with the districts of Maros, Barru and Pangkajene Kepulauan.
This is the first effort to develop regional interconnectivity in this part of Indonesia which should offer several benefits compared to other modes of transportation. These include lower costs, reduced carbon emissions, improved safety compared to road transport and faster speeds compared to sea transport.
The ideal is for the railway line to provide a new mode of transportation for passengers and freight in the region. To do this several factors and their potential impacts need to be examined and we’ve identified these as hazards and vulnerabilities, demand for passenger and freight services, intermodal freight transport options, public transport connectivity and the implementation of Smart City master plans in cities along the railway line.
Click here to read the full maximising the effectiveness of the South Sulawesi Rail Line report
This report focuses on improving interregional transportation planning in South Sulawesi by using multi-level analysis to assess the factors mentioned above so that there is an optimal railway service for business and communities. The report provides recommendations for addressing identified issues through further research, stakeholder collaboration and engagement with various levels of government.
The key findings and recommendations are summarised under.
1. Hazards
2. Forecast passenger and freight demand
3. Intermodal freight transport
4. Public transport connectivity
5. Smart city master plan
Feature image by PAIR